
The Joining Hands Program is designed around the running of several Core Activities consistently over time, with the goal of building relationships though regular, engaging social interactions, which in turn will build trust among community residents over time.

 The Core Activities are summarized in the charts below.  Three years is considered the minimum in order to start to see an impact; the program can be run continuously past three years.  Before launching an Activity, be sure to review the Getting Started section.

The Joining Hands Program is designed to be rolled out in stages over two years. Details of the Core Activities in each year are listed below. To receive a link to a more detailed How-To PDFs, complete the form below this first chart.  You can print this for further reference. 

Core Activities
Year One Year Two Year Three
Building Relationships Strengthening Relationships Going Deeper
June - August
Summer Kids Camp Summer Kids Camp
Additional Activites
October - May
Weekly Drop-In Weekly Drop-In Weekly Drop-In
Community Dinners Community Dinners
Add Additional Activities
Optional Additional Activities
In June-August In October - May
Face PaintingFood Bank
Live MusicWinter Clothing Distribution
Youth Bike ClinicChristmas Dinner
Community DinnersYouth Sports Afternoon
Backpack Program

Complete the form to receive the “How-to PDF”

When you submit the form you will receive a link to the detailed “How -To PDF” which includes all of activities below.  You can print this for further reference. 


Year One

Building Relationships

  • Start the process of building relationships, and trust, with the community residents

  • Launch two weekly activities that will be the foundation of the relationship building effort

    • Weekly BBQ event in the summer

    • Weekly Drop-In Hour from October to May

Weekly BBQ's
Timing - end of June to end of August
Weekly BBQ run once a week, same night each week, held from end of June to end of August (eight weeks), held in a common area at the community
To start process of building trust with residents of the community by building relationships with them through direct interaction in a non-threatening environment, over a meal
Focus is on the BBQ and enjoying a meal together
  • have volunteers get to know residents who come out for the BBQ, to overcome the residence’s suspicions and mis-trust, and hesitancy
  • do not lead with a religious message; lead with a humanistic, caring, giving message
  • over time, have volunteers facilitate/help residents get to know each other
To download the “How-To Guide” PDF, complete the form above.

Year Two

Strengthening Relationships

  • Build on the foundation realized in Year One by extending the interaction to address two critical needs

    • providing a quality experience for kids in the summer (Summer Camp)

    • providing time for families to interact with other families over a special meal (Community Dinners)

Summer Kid's Camp
Timing - end of June to end of August
Provide eight weeks of organized programming / supervised activities for kids of the community over the course of the summer
Note: Depending on what is available in the local community, the Joining Hands program may run a Summer Camp program for the eight weeks, or run a Summer Camp program for part of the eight weeks and look to ensure the kids get access to locally run summer programs for the remaining time.
Extending the effort of building relationships and trust by providing a highly valued program, Summer Camp, that many residents cannot afford, though would highly appreciate
The focus is on providing a Summer Camp for the children of the community
  • The camp is run by a group the residents have come to know and trust, which provides the residents comfort in allowing their children to participate, and relieves the parents of supervising their children during the day in the summer.
  • Ideally, conduct the summer camp program on site at the community, for at least the first year, then perhaps at a local park or church facility
To download the “How-To Guide” PDF, complete the form above.
Monthly Community Dinners
Timing - October to May
Monthly dinners, held from October to May, for residents of the community, held at a local facility (i.e., church basement) near the community
Note: Monthly dinner should integrate with a Christmas Dinner if already started (see Optional Activities) and can be sponsored by the community group or be potluck.
Continuing the on-going interaction with residents of the community throughout the rest of year, building and strengthening the relationship, and trust
The focus is on staying connected with residents on an on-going basis
Volunteers interact with residents in an informal setting, sharing life, and listening to their concerns
To download the “How-To Guide” PDF, complete the form above.

going forward

Going Deeper

  • Continue the activities from Year One and Two, adding in as many optional Additional Activities as makes sense for your situation, to extend the interaction by continuing the journey together.

Optional Additional Activities

Starting in Year One, you can augment the Core Activities with additional activities to further build and strengthen relationships

Year 1 or 2 (Addition to Core Activities)
To Weekly BBQ / Summer Months To Fall/Winter (Oct - May)
Youth Bike ClinicFood Bank
Face PaintingWinter Clothing Distribution
Live MusicToy Store
Community PartnersChristmas Dinner
Backpack ProgramYouth Sports Program
To download the “How-To Guide” PDF, complete the form above.